Improving Resuscitation Survival Outcomes

Anatomy of Rapid Response Teams
Fiona Winterbottom, DNP, MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC, ACHPN, CCRN
Ochsner Health System
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The Rapid Response Team (RRT) is a key multidisciplinary team trained in early resuscitation interventions and advanced life support instrumental in helping improve patient outcomes. This webinar offers a comprehensive and practical exploration of the implementation, structure, and impact of RRTs in a large multi-center hospital. You'll gain practical advice on responding to and caring for deteriorating patients, with insights into the best practices that have emerged from this program's development.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
Discuss the function and significance of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) in improving patient outcomes through early resuscitation and advanced life support.
Identify key training components and workflow definitions for successful implementation
Explore the impact on Rapid Response Teams on patient care and outcomes