Improving Resuscitation Survival Outcomes

Best Practices in Adult Resuscitation Debriefing
Fiona Winterbottom
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Debriefing provides the opportunity to discuss interactions within the clinical environment to improve performance in the future. Debriefings are categorized by time in relation to the initial event, with “hot” debriefings occurring in the minutes to hours following the event and “cold” debriefings occurring in the days to weeks following an incident. This webinar will focus on best practices in adult cardiac arrest response with an in-depth look at implementation and analysis of a CPR scorecard in a large multi-center hospital system.
Learning Objectives
1. Define and understand the differences between “hot” and “cold” debriefing
2. Discuss the importance and impact of a data-driven debriefing program after cardiac arrest
3. Identify best practices for adult cardiac arrest response with easily implemented practice tips
Faculty Bio
Fiona Winterbottom is a Nurse Practitioner and experienced Clinical Nurse Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Adult Health, Critical Care, Palliative Care, Healthcare Information Technology (HIT), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Data Analysis, Project Management, and Clinical Research, Fiona is an outcomes expert and leader in quality improvement in hospital settings.