Improving Resuscitation Survival Outcomes

Understanding the Translational Gap in Post-Resuscitation Care:
Temperature Control Parameters Matter
This webinar is not available for CE credits
According to the American Heart Association, cardiac arrest claims the lives of nearly 350,000 Americans each year, making it one of the leading causes of mortality in the field of emergency and critical care. Comprehensive post-resuscitation care, including the use of temperature control, is an essential link in the chain of survival. Temperature control is a bundled intervention with several different parameters (pre-induction time, method and rate of cooling, management of shivering, and more). The lack of a standardized intervention has led to variable treatment efficacy and patient outcomes. In this webinar, neurointensivist Dr. Rachel Beekman will review the literature, address rationale for the translational gap, discuss the need for a standardized definition of high-quality temperature control, and propose future directions for addressing this unmet need.
Discuss the preclinical data to support the benefit of therapeutic hypothermia.
Discuss the key guidelines and trials informing current temperature control approaches.
Recognize the ariability in temperature control parameters and the influence of high-quality temperature control on patient outcomes.